Removal Contractors

vrs-profileThe following Wisconsin contractors meet the best practices and insurance requirements outlined on the Homeowner Checklist. If you are a contractor and would like your name added to the list please contact us through our Zonolite Removal Services Facebook Page.

Racine Home Insulators, LLC
920 S. Memorial Dr
Racine, WI 53403


Once your vermiculite has been removed, you will want to hire an insulation contractor that will get you an additonal $1,100 instant discount that is offered through Focus on Energy’s Home Performance with Energy Star program. In order to receive this instant discount from your contractor, they will need to be a “Trade Ally” of the Focus on Energy program. A Trade Ally agrees to use only best practice and materials.

Realize, you have been paying into this program every time you pay your WE Energies bill. This program is funded with your money, so why not get some of it back!

Trade Allys only use quality loose blown insulation (never fiberglass batts) and they will always air seal your attic before the new insulation goes in. Air sealing is a new concept to many home owners, but it is a very simple and important step to protect your home. Air sealing has been a building code requirement for nearly 20 years – don’t skip it!

Please view our “Re-Insulation Contractors” page to find a contractor that will follow best practices and make sure you receive the eligible discounts and reimbursements.